Students studying 西班牙语 at Carthage have many opportunities to enrich their education.

Student Organizations

Carthage 西班牙语 students can get involved in a number of student organizations dedicated to putting what’s learned in the classroom into practice. Join Mi Gente, Alpha Mu Gamma, the International Friendship Society, and more!

See 西班牙语 student organizations

Mesa Española: The 西班牙语 Lunch Table

During the weekly 西班牙语 Lunch Table, students chat in 西班牙语 with each other, 教授, and Target Language Experts.


January Term is a month-long period of study in January in which all academic departments at Carthage offer innovative courses on campus and study tours in other countries. Recent 西班牙语 j项 offerings include:

  • Spain: Intensive Language Study: A three-week study tour to Spain where students expand their knowledge of the 西班牙语 language and culture. Students enjoy numerous and diverse excursions, participate in language exchanges with Spaniards, and attend cultural events (dance lessons, 烹饪课, 等.).
  • The 西班牙语 Civil War: An on-campus course studying the war’s origins and consequences.
  • 西班牙语 Intensive Encounter: An on-campus opportunity to deepen one’s knowledge of the 西班牙语 language and culture, focusing primarily on oral communication. Students are exposed to 西班牙语-speaking cultures and deepen their skills to communicate in the 西班牙语 language. Students present on matters of culture, debate topics such as immigration, listen to programs on Latinx issues, converse with native speakers across the globe, and learn about art. 
  • 西班牙语 Language Immersion in Costa Rica: A three-week study tour to Costa Rica. Students study 西班牙语, live in a homestay with a Costa Rican family, and visit several national parks on weekends. 

Learn more about j项 at Carthage


All modern language majors must study abroad for at least one term. Carthage offers courses prior to traveling abroad that prepare students both linguistically and culturally for this experience. Students have traveled to Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Spain. Carthage is affiliated with several reputable institutions in order to provide our students with academically rigorous, high-quality international programs in a variety of locations around the globe.

Learn more about 出国留学


Carthage offers modern language students the opportunity to utilize their language skills in a variety of settings by volunteering as language instructors, 翻译, 导师, and support personnel in 出赛 area schools and other organizations. Students have also volunteered in service-learning situations in other countries.

Target Language Experts

At Carthage, introductory language courses are taught by native speakers. The College hires graduate students from around the world to come to Carthage to share their language and culture. These Target Language Experts bring an energy and authenticity to modern language courses, giving students new to a language a vibrant and exciting introduction.

Learn more about the TLE Program

Modern Language Scholarship

Carthage offers two 西班牙语 scholarships to each incoming class. The scholarships cover $27,000 per year and are renewable for four years.

Learn more about the Modern Language Scholarships