伊娃Menzia ?25







Special 教育 and Elementary 教育



伊娃Menzia ’25, a recipient of various grants and a 音乐奖学金, is able to pursue her dream of becoming a teacher and continue exploring her 音乐 interests at Carthage. As an education student, she observed many different schools throughout the Milwaukee area. 作为一名成员 Carthage Treble Choir, she participated in the Carthage Christmas Festival and went on a tour to Europe during j项

Explore Carthage’s 教育 Program


“教育 majors have the power to create a better future for many people. We have the ability to help create an educated society, which is how all other future endeavors begin.”



“I chose Carthage because of the amazing programs it offers. Specifically, the 教育 Department is filled with so many skilled professors. During my freshman year alone, I learned so much about becoming a future educator, and I genuinely believe it’s because of the experienced professors I had!”


“When I first came to Carthage, I was especially nervous about forming relationships. I didn’t know a lot of people in my major, and I wasn’t sure if I would make friends or not. But my professors made sure to create groups or have class exercises in which I was able to meet others around me. 现在, I am good friends with a lot of the people I met in those classes thanks to my professors who prioritized student relationships. They helped me form connections and build trust with those around me!”


“My favorite classes so far have been Ceramic Wheel Throwing, and Fostering Engagement and Positive Behavior in the Classroom. Ceramic Wheel Throwing helped me discover my passion for 工作室艺术 (which is now my minor), and Fostering Engagement has helped me learn how to be a good teacher in and outside of the classroom.”


“The toughest class I have taken so far is Physics for Future Presidents. Although a lot of people have told me it was easy for them, I am extremely bad at science courses. It was a struggle to study and take tests, but it helped me form better study habits. So, I suppose the struggle was worth it in the end.”


“I am involved in many organizations! 我是…的成员 学生会, which is an amazing organization to be involved in, especially if you are seeking leadership roles, public speaking experience, and general knowledge about activities and changes happening on campus. I am also involved in Carthage Treble Choir, a group of treble singers who perform at concerts and other campus events.

“In addition, I am a member of Enactus, a business-oriented organization that is open to all majors. Enactus focuses on the 17 UN sustainability goals and encourages members to create projects that can help build a better future for us all! And finally, I am involved in 模拟试验, which is a law-based traveling academic team. 每年, 模拟试验 gets a new case that includes witnesses and case law, and then we learn how to create themes, 编一个固定的故事, and build up confrontation skills.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is definitely the beach. Whenever I’m stressed or having a bad day, I love to just go sit on a rock and watch the water. It’s very calming to me.”


“I have many favorite memories at Carthage; however, one of my all-time favorites is of move-in day! It was the first time I met my now best friend and roommate, 莉莉, and it was also when I met many others who I am good friends with now. Other favorite memories include traveling with Enactus to New York (and running 0.5 miles to hug a tree), walking along the beach with some friends while collecting sea glass, and getting elected as a sophomore senator for 学生会.”


“The biggest surprise I’ve had so far is how supportive everyone around me is. Whether it be professors, 工作人员, 或学生, they’ve always been there for me — even if I was just having trouble with homework or having a bad day. It’s always good to know that the people around me have my back, and it truly feels that way at Carthage.”

Advice for other students in your major?

“If you are having trouble considering education as your major, I would encourage you to look upon your core beliefs and what you believe to be important! If you think education is for you but are nervous to declare it as your major, talk with your advisors — they are an amazing asset and are always there to help.”