Jose Antonio ?Tony? Lule

Jose Antonio Lule

Class Year



Evanston, Illinois


History and Japanese



Jose Antonio Lule ’26, a recipient of the Modern Language Scholarship, is majoring in history and Japanese with a minor in Spanish. He is heavily involved on campus, with participation in Mi Gente, Blitz Ultimate Frisbee, S.M.A.R.T.E.R program, Tau Sigma Phi, and esports. Through these organizations, he is able to form friendships, explore his interests, and become more included in the College community.

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Jose Antonio Lule, ’26

Why Carthage?

“我选择全球十大赌钱排行app有几个原因,首先是它离家近. 我住在芝加哥北部附近,开车回家只要一个小时. 我喜欢这样的生活,我住的地方离我可以独自生活的地方足够远,但离我想回家的地方足够近. Second, I really like the community. I was recruited into the Carthage esports team. Lastly, I couldn’t resist Carthage’s countless study abroad 能够出国留学是我多年来一直想做的事情.”

Faculty mentors

“与校园里的教师建立联系真的很容易. Professor Stephanie Mitchell 帮助我参与社区活动,也帮助我决定转读历史专业.

“I also really appreciate Victor Escobedo. 他给了我一个机会,让我参加今年校园里一个新的指导项目, and I am very excited to be part of the team. Although this new program is student-led, I know that Mr. 埃斯科韦多将始终与我们的导师和学员一起指导领导团队. Aside from helping to organize events on campus, I know that if I ever need support in any way, he is someone I can talk to.”

Favorite class

“到目前为止,我最喜欢的课是去年的日语课. 几个星期后,我所有的同学都走得很近, and we would always hang out together. 在那堂课上,我结识了除电子竞技之外的第一批校园朋友, 我真的很高兴整个班级都很热情. For the most part, 每个人都认识彼此,因为他们已经一起上过课, 所以成为那个社区的一员真的帮助我从高中生过渡到大学生.”

Toughest class

“到目前为止,我上过最难的课是《全球十大赌钱排行app》. Professor Jeff Roberg 挑战我们少思考“如何”,多思考“为什么”. 他是一位伟大的教授,他总是用作业和阅读来挑战他的学生.”

Campus involvement

“I am involved in a lot on campus. I am the vice president of Mi Gente. Mi Gente在我心中占有非凡的地位,我很高兴我加入了这个组织. 我可以在校园里遇到其他西班牙裔/拉丁裔学生,他们在各个层面上都和我有联系. 我也感谢我们为会员提供奖学金机会. 作为校园拉丁裔社区的一员,激励我变得更好,不仅仅是为了我自己, but for the organization as well.

“I am involved in Blitz Ultimate Frisbee. 我去年作为大一新生加入了闪电战,这是我在这里做过的最好的决定之一. 长大后,我参加了各种各样的运动,我想尝试一种新的运动. The team was very welcoming, 我发现我的几个队友和我来自同一个地区. I enjoy the family dynamic we have as a team. 我最喜欢的是训练结束后能一起吃晚饭.

“I am also involved in the S.M.A.R.T.E.R program as a lead/mentor. 该项目是一个指导项目,帮助BIPOC一年级学生过渡到大学生. 我的工作是招募有潜力的学生作为这个项目的导师,看看他们作为导师的表现如何. Recently, I was assigned a mentee, 我很兴奋地看到他在全球十大赌钱排行app的学生生涯中成长了多少.

“I am a member of Tau Sigma Phi. 这是一个回归校园的兄弟会,我很高兴加入. The fraternity president is my friend Sam, 是谁把我招进电子竞技队的. 有一次,我见到了我的兄弟们,了解了我们作为一个兄弟会的目标, I knew that this was something I needed to be a part of. 我永远感激兄弟们给我无条件的爱和支持, and I can’t wait to see how this year goes.

“Finally, I am a player for the esports team. 我在Firebirds Black Team玩守望先锋,对这个赛季感到非常兴奋. Everyone I met in the program is enjoyable to be around. 我们经常在电子竞技场上的教室里一起锻炼或学习. 竞技场是玩电子游戏或与朋友聚会的好地方.”

Golden opportunities

“我最喜欢的机会之一是加入小米董事会. 今年我是该组织的副总裁,我对这一年感到非常兴奋. 去年,我是Mi Gente的学生会代表. 能够与这样一个令人惊叹的董事会一起工作,教会了我更好的沟通技巧和组织能力.

“When I joined Mi Gente, I also learned how to use my voice. I attended a conference last spring in Washington, D.C.它让我和我的董事会得以与威斯康辛州的代表交谈. Although I am from Illinois, 我借此机会表达了我对当前事件及其对邻国的影响的关注.”

Career goal

“从全球十大赌钱排行app毕业后,我想在政府工作. Hopefully, 我可以在伊利诺伊州或威斯康星州参议员的办公室工作,住在华盛顿, DC. 我想在政府工作,因为我相信利用你们的声音, speaking in what you believe in, and using it constructively is super important.”

Favorite spot on campus

“我在校园里最喜欢的地方是伦敦塔后面的野餐区. 有时我和朋友们会聚在一起打排球, 否则我在闪电战的队友就会出现,把光盘扔来扔去几个小时.”

Favorite memory

“我最美好的记忆是和我的老室友汤米和我的朋友约翰一起去参加2022年的开球嘉年华. 我们穿着西装,像他的特工一样跟着我们的住宿助理, and we also performed a song at the carnival. 我们整场演出都板着脸,大家都很喜欢.”

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