Jana Paulsen

Jana Paulsen







Before college, Jana Paulsen ’26 had a lot of music experience. 她在一个管乐合奏团演出, 军乐队, 爵士乐队, 坑乐团, 交响乐团, 以及北湖县荣誉乐队.

After auditioning for Carthage’s music program, Jana received five 奖学金,包括竞争性的 总统奖学金. She is glad to continue performing at Carthage as a member of the 风乐团 and Pep Band, and she is excited to pursue a career as a music educator. 


“The 音乐 Department here at Carthage is pretty phenomenal. All of the music faculty are here for you and your success. Not to mention, music students here are excellent and are here for you!””

Jana Paulsen, 26岁


“Actually, Carthage was not my first choice in school. After getting denied by my top school, Carthage was my safe school to go to. I was super unsure of if I’d like it here, and I doubted a lot of things at first. Fast forward to now, and I’ve never been more happy with where I’m at. Carthage has a ton of great professors and awesome programs for students to succeed. The community is amazing, and I can proudly say I feel supported by every single one of my peers. 同时,我们来谈谈 密歇根湖的景色! 这太棒了?”


“The Carthage music faculty have greatly impacted me and my career. They are serious about wanting you to succeed and be happy. One of the best things about Carthage being a smaller school is that you are able to build great relationships with your professors, 哪个对我很重要. 他们是来找你的. 他们希望你成功. 他们希望你玩得开心.

“As an instrumental musician, I am lucky to work with our amazing band director, 詹姆斯·雷普利教授她简直令人难以置信. 教授. Ripley is one the most influential people in my life. He goes above and beyond for his students, colleagues, and the department. 他花时间和你一起工作, 不管是关于一段音乐, 选择类, or if you are struggling with schoolwork or mental health. 教授. Ripley is fun, caring, passionate, and enthusiastic about the students here at Carthage.”


“My favorite class so far has got to be my 音乐 Pedagogy class. 上课时间是早上8点.m., and I am not a morning person by any means, it is super enjoyable and influential. The course allows music education students to get hands-on learning and teaching experience. We get a deep dive into how to educate musicians of all ages, 了解更多文化, 以及如何引导学生走上正确的方向. I like this class because it gives us a chance to hear from our peers, 倾听个人故事, 并从其他学生那里得到反馈.”


“My toughest classes at Carthage are definitely Aural Skills, 音乐 Theory, and Keyboard Skills. These classes are tough because you dive deep into the elements and the ‘math’ of music, 哪些是难以理解的. For me personally, Keyboard Skills is very hard because I am not a piano player. My primary instruments are clarinet and saxophone. 所有这些课程都很难, but the great part is that all the faculty who teach these courses are super understanding and helpful. It’s very easy to reach out for help when you need it!”


音乐之外, I am involved with the Strategic Communications Team here at Carthage as one of the photographers! 我们的团队与 全球十大赌钱排行app田径 on sports events, and we consist of photographers, graphic designers, social media interns, 等. This job is not only fun, but it also gives me a chance to step outside of the 音乐 Department. 全球十大赌钱排行app的媒体团队太棒了, and I’m so happy I get to work with such creative, 有才华的学生!”


“这即将到来的 j项在美国,管乐团将在日本进行巡回演出! I’m super excited because I’ve never been out of the country before, and I’m super pumped to spend it with the people I love the most, 我的乐队家庭!”


整个夏天, I worked with our band director as an instrumental music assistant to help prepare for the 全球十大赌钱排行app乐队的 150周年. The preparation for this year consisted of filing music, 招收新生, 接触校友, 发送频带信息, 帮音乐系学生搬储物柜, 等. I got a closer look into what a music educator does on a day-to-day basis, which is pretty awesome!

“My other job on campus is working in the Office of Visual and Performing 艺术 entering data for 奖学金, 招聘学生, 邮寄小册子, 等. This job lets you see what goes into the division and how things operate here at the College.

“My third job that relates to my major is Pep Band! 是的,这是一份有报酬的工作! And the only thing you do is show up and play your instrument. 这太酷了? You get to play your instrument with the coolest people at sports events, 比如足球比赛和篮球比赛. 这很有趣! We play stand tunes and a lot of crowd favorites — ‘Hey, Baby!,“派对摇滚赞歌。,《全球十大赌钱排行app》,乌玛·瑟曼,“我要你回来。,以及我们学校的战歌和母校.”


“My favorite spot on campus is, of course, the H. F. 约翰逊美术中心. I spend most of my time in this building practicing, attending class, and having rehearsals. But if we’re being serious, Starbucks is the go-to spot!”


“My favorite memories so far are definitely any performance, such as the 圣诞节. Our 圣诞节 is a beautiful service and performance the entire 音乐 Department showcases every year, 它在每个人心中都占有特殊的地位. 至少可以这么说,它改变了你的生活. You hear from all the beautiful choirs, the 风乐团, and the Philharmonic Orchestra. It is beyond beautiful, and I look forward to it every year!”


“Some advice I have for all music majors, especially music education, is to be patient. 音乐 is an extremely tough major and can take a huge toll on you if you aren’t patient with yourself and your education. Keep grinding, push hard, and love what you do, and you’ll find the most success in yourself. 最重要的是,玩得开心!”